On Weddings

Even though I’m one of 7 children, I don’t think I’ve been to an awful lot of weddings in my life. I did have the honor of attending a friends’ wedding this past spring and really enjoyed it. Aside from being a wonderful couple, with a great family, their choice for a “wedding favor” was the best I’ve ever had. No imprinted matchbooks or jordan almonds wrapped into a satin rose… their choice was a music CD, where the couple — both incredibly talented artists — performed all the songs. She has an incredible voice: rich, strong and sweet all at the same time. He is not only a phenomenal piano player, but writes music as well. Many of the songs on the CD were ones he wrote. The combination of their talent made for a gift that I got to bring home and will keep and play over and over, not toss it in a box and hope it doesn’t rot.

Roger and Shelley (Faircloth) Hobbs — keep those names in the back of your head… there’ll be a grammy in their future. (He’s already got an emmy.)